
What is it with celebrities? Aren’t they satisfied with our adoration, obsessions and money that should have been spent elsewhere? Some of them have artistic ambitions beyond their films and music.

Pop Life Art
has a huge list of celebs (actors, singers, musicians, athletes, etc.) that create fine art paintings, drawings and photographs on top of their day jobs. Below are paintings from Johnny Depp, Lucy Liu, David Bowie, Viggo Mortensen, Natalie Merchant and Pierce Brosnan, but not in that order. Care to take a stab at gussing who's who? The prize is, umm, you're a really good guesser.


  1. I'm gonna take a stab at it. I think #1 is Pierce, #4 Depp (it looks like him), and #5 maaaybe Bowie...I'm stuck on the others.

  2. Oh goodness. This is REALLY hard. Here are my guesses:

    1. David Bowie
    2. Johnny Depp
    3. Lucy Liu
    4. Pierce Brosnan
    5. Viggo Mortensen (pretty certain about this one. fits some of his other work)
    6. Natalie Merchant

    You ARE going to give us the answers right? :)

  3. It is kinda tough, isn't it? Without my Teacher's Editon I'd have no idea either.

    OK, phibesbee, you got Brosnan correct but not the others.

    marina, you got Natalie Merchant, but missed the other five.

    Who's next?

  4. I have no clue. But I like any post that's about art.

  5. Nice. Very, very, very nice.

    Shall make guesses later (after homework.)

  6. I have no idea, but I like the prize.

    1. Pierce Brosnan
    2. David Bowie
    3. Johnny Depp
    4. Lucy Liu
    2. Viggo Mortensen
    6. Natalie Merchant

  7. Ah Hugh, how did you get so smrt? You get 4/6 with two of the answers already given - nice. But I admit it is hard and I wouldn't have known myself. Here are the answers:

    1. Pierce Brosnan
    2. David Bowie
    3. Johnny Depp
    4. Viggo Mortensen
    5. Lucy Liu
    6. Natalie Merchant

  8. I would like to thank the Academy, my folks, and all the people who gave correct answers before me, making my guesswork easier. Without them I would have gotten zero.

    What's the next contest?

  9. I only really got the Viggo one right, but I wasn't sure about the rest. Thanks for sharing. I really like your site.

  10. So, um, my bad. It appears that I was so impressed with myself for putting numbers on pictures I accidently labeled them incorrectly. Here are the actual answers, provided by Lorrie at Poplifeart.com:

    1. Pierce Brosnan
    2. David Bowie
    3. Natalie Merchant
    4. Johnny Depp
    5. Viggo Mortensen
    6. Lucy Liu

    So my apologies - I really shouldn't be running contests.

