...And You Act Like One Too

Four years can be a lifetime in pop culture, more so for a blog. So Happy Birthday Popped Culture, which turned four today.

When I started this small corner of the digital world, Tom Cruise had yet to jump the couch, Britney Spears had only been married once, Pierce Brosnan was still James Bond, George Lucas had yet to unleash his final mangling of Star Wars and Lost had yet to redefine TV dramas.

I hadn't really even heard of blogs when my friend Ryan Trotman said I should start a blog, ending up in Popped Culture's first incarnation as an AOL Journal. I've since moved on to Blogger and how it looks now. I'm pleased, but I won't say it isn't work some evenings. But I figure a fourth year deserves a fifth and perhaps a redesign. We'll see about that.

If anyone wants to get me a gift, I'll take a link from boing boing, Digg, Neatorma or Slashdot would be cool. But comments are nice too.

See you out there...


  1. Way to stick with it!
    Congrats Jeremy, here's to 4 more.

  2. Thanks, D! But four more years? I'll see what I can do.

  3. "happy anniversary..happy anniversary..happy anniversary..happy a-n-n-i-v-e-r-a-r-y!"

    (you know the tune, it was in a Flinstones episode, while the piano rolled down the street)

  4. happy b-day Mr. Popped C.

  5. Is that tune really from the Flintsones? Cool, and I suppose it is just as much an anniversary as a birthday.

    And no need to call the wishes belated with the amount of time it takes me to post anything these days.

