Rise And Fall Of The Nazi Dinosaurs

There are Nazis and dinosaurs, all in old-timey stop motion animation. What's not to love? U.S. paratroopers explore a desolate German research lab in Antarctica and discover, well, the title kind of sums it up.

Produced in five days by Alex Poutianinen for the grand total of $20. He's looking for work in the film industry but he should be looking for financial backers. If they are going to greenlight a Jane Austen zombie flick, why not a Nazi Jurassic Park?


  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  2. It is Friday night... you know what time that is... that's right, it is time for another Pageant of the Transmundane, and you've won it.

  3. Sweet! It's been a fine week for finds.

